You’re starting a new business. You have to spend your money wisely. A website designer isn’t part of your budget, so you decide to build your own website. Wix seems simple enough… but is it a good decision in the long term? See the short answer video, then scroll below for more of our thoughts.
If you skipped the video, the answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Sure, it’s convenient. That’s about all it’s good for though. Here’s just some of the reasons we think you should stay far away from Wix (in no particular order):
- You never really own your site– you can’t transfer your site to another platform if you want to switch
- Difficult to remember URLs (ex:!shows/c2387, should just be /shows)
- Limited amount of plugins
Very littleNo flexibility in terms of customization using HTML or CSS- Costs more in the long run
OK, so we scared you from using Wix, but haven’t provided you with a solution…
This might not be the solution you’re looking for if you’re on a budget, but finding someone to design you a WordPress site is a solid choice. Ideally, get them to show you the ropes too so that you can update it yourself going forward. The long-term benefits of building your site on WordPress far outweigh the short-term simplicities of Wix.
Disagree? Comment below.