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Is There A Best Time To Post On Facebook?

Is There A Best Time To Post On Facebook?

People love asking this question, and it’s a pet peeve that I constantly bring up. Here’s the short answer (scroll below the video for a more descriptive answer)… The idea of “best” time to post on any social media channel is tiresome for...
We’re B2B. Do I Need Social Media?

We’re B2B. Do I Need Social Media?

Even if you sell to other businesses, social media IS still important to your digital marketing efforts. Should social media be 25-50% of your digital marketing efforts? Maybe not. Maybe yes. Let me explain. First things first, if you’re B2B, make sure...
Is SEO Still Important?

Is SEO Still Important?

This shouldn’t even be a question, because the answer is always YES. As long as people use search engines to research and buy things, it’ll be important– which basically means forever (foh-ev-ah, Sandlot reference). The people that ask this question...
Should My Business Be On Instagram?

Should My Business Be On Instagram?

The answer to this question used to be “maybe” or “yes, if you have the time”, but with the addition of Instagram Ads, the answer has shifted to a strong “yes”. Sure, there are quite a few limitations of Instagram that bug us....
Does My Business Need A Blog?

Does My Business Need A Blog?

You could probably guess what I would answer for this question. Of course your business needs a blog, BUT… yeah, there’s a “but”… it doesn’t have to be called a blog or function like what you imagine a blog should be. It could be...

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